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Make Your Morning Workout Happen

The Nourished Way

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

It's a new year and if one of your goals is to be a morning workout person, you're not alone. Getting in your workout first thing means you're more likely to do it since as the day goes on, we often find excuses or our schedules get busy. Working out first thing in the morning often means you have more energy throughout the day and can lead to better productivity and mental health.

Still hate getting up early in the dark? I hear ya, here are some of my best tips for ensuring you don't hit snooze on your morning sweat session.

1. Set Out Your Workout Clothes - We all like to get as much sleep as possible, so don't waste time fumbling around for clothes in the dark when you're half-awake. Set your clothes out the night before, or better yet, sleep in your workout clothes if they are comfortable. You'll be ready to roll right out of bed and be on your way to a great workout.

2. Get More Sleep - It will definitely be easier to get up early if you go to bed at a decent time. Try getting to sleep 15 minutes earlier to start and work your way up to 30 minutes. You'll feel better and give your body more time to recover which means you can hit your workout harder and achieve those gains.

3. Distance Yourself From the Alarm - It's much easier to roll back to sleep when you can hit the snooze right next to your bed. Put your phone or alarm across the room or somewhere you have to get out of bed to turn it off and you'll be less likely to get back under the covers.

4. Shed Some Light on the Situation - Yes it's that time of year where it's often dark when we wake up which makes it hard to not only get up but really wake up your body. Try turning on a soft light as soon as you get up to signal to your body that it's time to be awake and start moving!

5. Make Breakfast Ahead of Time - Skipping breakfast before an early morning workout isn't always the best option, but many of us don't want to get up even earlier to cook something. Plan your breakfast ahead so you can just throw it in the microwave or grab a healthy snack bar if you need to eat something before you workout. Also having breakfast ready means you can replenish those muscles post-workout quickly. (Check out my homemade bar recipes here)

6. Get Brewing - If you are a coffee drinker, this is the time to go ahead and have that cup of joe. It will not only help wake you up but studies show moderate amounts of caffeine can assist with exercise in reducing fatigue and helping you perform longer.

7. Stick With It - No matter how you feel or easy it is to snooze that alarm, remember that the more you do it, the easier it will get and become part of your routine.

8. Create Accountability - Whether it's with a personal trainer, an appointment you're paying for, or a friend you're meeting, even for a virtual workout - make yourself accountable to someone or something. Knowing someone is waiting for you will motivate you to get out of bed even when you don't feel like it.

9. Crank Up the Tunes - Don't underestimate the power of a good playlist. Having something that's going to get you moving and in a good mood is a great way to energize your morning and mood.

10. Remember those good feelings - Just remember, your workout is most likely no more than an hour which is only 4% of your entire day. Commit to making time for yourself and remember how good you will feel once you have done it and get to carry that good feeling with you for the rest of the day!

Getting your workout in first thing has a lot of benefits but ultimately, the best time of day to workout is when YOU are likely to do it and stick with it. A lot of these tips can be applied to any time of day if you're needing some extra help wih consistency.

Need even more support? I'd love to help - my exercise coaching and programming offers accountability to help you reach your goals so feel free to reach out. Happy New Year!

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