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Meet Your Coach


Hi there! I’m Ivy, a mom of two, Nutritionist & Personal Trainer, prioritizing my wellness amidst the beautiful chaos of motherhood. My story begins with a passion for health and movement that was always cornerstone of my life.


Before having kids, it was easy to get my workouts in whenever, cook meals from scratch, and sleep in on the weekends. But when the whirlwind of motherhood gave me a reality check and I found myself navigating sleepless nights, more laundry, toys everywhere, and a lack of time for myself, I had to make a real effort to make sure my well-being didn’t fall to the back burner but at the same time, felt guilty for putting my needs first. 

I had to shift my thinking to know that my health was not only non-negotiable, but it was a gift I could give to my family. With my passion for nutrition and wellness, I started using my skills and knowledge to redefine what wellness looked like for me as a mother and how to make sure it happened. I knew I wasn’t the first, or the last mom to face this challenge.


As a Nutritionist & Personal Trainer, I've not only reclaimed my own well-being but also dedicated myself to empowering fellow moms. I know the struggle of balancing motherhood while still trying to make sure you put on your own freaking air mask. You can’t show up for your family, your friends, or your partner unless you are taking care of yourself.


Whether you're a mom in need of quick, nutritious recipes for yourself and your family, or someone looking for a dose of encouragement, 

accountability and community, you've come to the right place.


Let's do this together because in the midst of the chaos, we can still find pockets of peace, moments of self-care, and the joy of savoring a well-balanced life. Welcome to a space where wellness meets motherhood –it’s time for you to prioritize YOU.

My 5 Wellness Pillars


Whole Foods

It feels overwhelming to feed your family and then think about yourself. My coaching helps you prioritize nutrition in a way that works for you and your family and makes sure you have energy for everything mothterhood brings.


Stress Management

Elevated stress levels may negatively impact hormonal balance, menstrual cycles, and reproductive health. Not to mention, it sucks. Let’s take It down a notch in a way that actually works for you. 



Hey, we'd all like more sleep.  Quality sleep is crucial for hormonal balance, immune function, and mental health.

Stop doom-scrolling and bedtime procrastinating, let's start getting that beauty rest. 



Does making time for exercise feel self-indulgent? It's NOT.

Prioritizing your fitness means more energy and improved mental health. 


Not to mention you'll be able to carry all your groceries in one trip!



It's time to drop the mom guilt, stop self sabotage and an obsession with the scale. We'll create realistics habits that help you stay committed to your wellness, once and for all. You deserve to feel good, and my programs will show you. 

Fruits and Vegetables

My Coaching is for you if: 

  • You're tired of your wellness being the last thing on your list and don’t know where to start

  • You’re ready to show up for yourself and realize actual change and feel energized, strong, and happy

  • You’re busy and your mental load is at its max

  • You fall into bed every night depleted and wiped out

  • You are overwhelmed with trying to come up with dinner ideas and want to minimize meal-time battles

  • You need realistic, easy tips on how to promote a plant-focused approach on your plate

  • You are at the end of your rope, losing your patience and feeling like there is no time for you

  • You are ready for non-judgemental, realistic support that helps you achieve your goals


Imagine if instead, you:


  • Had the energy to keep up with the demands of motherhood and life 

  • Could easily prepare food that nourishes and energizes you

  • Weren't focused on the scale - but more on improving your strength, energy, and mood 

  • Were able to drop the guilt around prioritizing your self-care and make it non-negotiable

  • Had more patience and showed up as a stable presence in your family 

  • Looked forward to movement, and craved it

  • Stopped scrolling and bedtime procrastinating, went to bed on time, and actually woke up rested

  • Felt confident in your body and could stop obsessing over getting back to your "pre-baby weight" or "college weight" 

I know my programs can help you achieve this and more. 

Coaching Programs

Group Coaching 

My group coaching program offers two levels to get you started right away. Get daily or weekly guidance to provide you with the accountability and motivation you need to stay on track. Dive into self-paced learning to transform your nutrition, movement, stress, mindset, and sleep habits.


Get access to a Resource Library, attend weekly Group Zoom Q&A sessions, and receive personalized goal-setting sessions to map out your wellness journey. Plus, enjoy custom meal plans and access to meal planning tools. It's time to invest in yourself, mama. 

Group Hug

One-on-One Coaching

Need a little more hand-holding? That's ok - we all start in different places. It’s time to nourish YOU.


With my one-on-one coaching, you'll receive daily support, weekly check-ins, personalized goal setting and coaching, custom meal plans, workout & and exercise guidance, stress management techniques, unlimited support, accountability, and more!

This program offers the most access to me and is a great place to start if you're looking for more support. 

Meal Planning & Recipe Books

Stressed about what to feed yourself or your family? Don't have time to meal plan? Let me do the work for you.

My monthly meal-planning subscription is the right fit for you.


Want to start eating more plant-based foods? Don't need ongoing coaching?

Check out my recipe books and individual meal plans to get started.

Family Breakfast


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